Figma prototype- Inventory management system


Accessibility and Interface Design
– Ensure compliance with accessibility guidelines like color contrast and font size.
– Design a user-friendly navigation flow for individuals with visual or motor impairments.
New Concept Task
– Create an efficient and accessible interface for managing inventory.
– Users can view, add, update, and delete categorized products.
Auto Layout
– Apply auto layout for adapting to various screen sizes.
– Develop reusable components across the project.

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I’m Nicolas, a multimedia designer skilled in crafting websites, building prototypes, creating 3D models, and managing projects. Lately, I’ve been diving into AI-powered tools to push my creative boundaries. Browse my portfolio and let’s create something extraordinary together!

Multimedia portfolio

I’m Nicolas, a multimedia designer skilled in crafting websites, building prototypes, creating 3D models, and managing projects. Lately, I’ve been diving into AI-powered tools to push my creative boundaries. Browse my portfolio and let’s create something extraordinary together!

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