


Serie prints Danzantes
Prints serie danzantes
Prints serie danzantes

This series was inspired by the dancers of Ecuador, they are representative figures of the carnival season, they perform traditional dances and wear colorful clothes of various religious and cultural meanings.


Horror Vaciu or fear of emptiness is a characteristic of Barroco art also present in Latin America during the colonial process. Present in Churches of this period it’s a symbol of alteration to the native cultures present in this territory before the arrival of European settler. This is an inverted alteration 


“It’s been a century since the cry of Cari Catura.”
It is an intervention to the illustrations present in Caricatura and the fragments of texts from El Grito del Pueblo, both more than a century old publicationS. In a process that extracts the resources and elements within them.They are integrated to achieve a subjective reinterpretation, most of them fictional and others contextualized. fictional and others contextualizing ideas or situations of more contemporary character contemporary. The material produced seeks to be a homage to the exceptional content of the humorous weekly and to the great press produced a century ago in Ecuador. The exposure to these products has generated the need to abstract and
and give them new narratives and visual language.